EWM Global is proud to sponsor LPGP Connect’s 3rd Annual CFO/COO Private Debt conference in London on October 1st, 2021.

This conference brings together C-Levelled executives, Finance Directors, Operations, Compliance, and Risk Professionals working within the global private debt community. Its 3rd annual event will focus on the latest issues for global debt fund managers looking to stay ahead of the competition.

EWM Global’s Regional Director – EMEA, Simon Shipgood will be leading the panel “C-Suite: Updates on Investment Firms’ Backoffice Management.” Panelists include Tina Page, CFO of MV Credit, and Kevin Early, CFO of Ares Management.

We hope to see you at this conference and we are looking forward to participating in these engaging sessions!

Click here to register for the 3rd Annual CFO/COO Private Debt conference.

Please let us know if you would like more information about this conference at marketing@ewmglobal.com.